If you find yourself getting down about being plus size, take a look at these positive affirmations which are sure to give you a lift and help you get back into your sewing.
✂️ I have the power to create clothing that fits me beautifully.
✂️ Every stitch I sew is an act of self-love and confidence.
✂️ I deserve clothes that fit perfectly, feel comfortable, and make me shine.
✂️ My body is unique, and I celebrate it by making garments just for me.
✂️ Sewing allows me to express my creativity and personal style.
✂️ I am skilled, resourceful, and capable of bringing my sewing visions to life.
✂️ I embrace my curves, and I sew to celebrate them—not hide them.
✂️ There is no ‘wrong’ body, only patterns that need adjusting.
✂️ I am not limited by store sizes—I can sew clothes that truly fit me.
✂️ Sewing gives me the freedom to wear exactly what makes me feel amazing.
✂️ I am worthy of high-quality fabrics and patterns that bring me joy.
✂️ I do not have to settle for ill-fitting clothes—I can make something better.
✂️ Every project teaches me something new, and I am proud of my progress.
✂️ I trust my sewing skills and am always learning and improving.
✂️ I am allowed to take up space, and my fashion choices reflect my confidence.
✂️ My handmade wardrobe is a reflection of my personality and beauty.
✂️ I love my body, and I create clothes that make me feel empowered.
✂️ Sewing is my superpower—I turn fabric into fashion that fits me perfectly.
✂️ I deserve to feel fabulous in everything I wear.
✂️ I am more than my measurements—I am a maker, a creator, and an artist.
💖 Keep these affirmations nearby as a reminder that sewing is not just about fabric and stitches—it’s about celebrating yourself and your creativity! Happy sewing! ✨